2016年11月1日 星期二

[3.鼠尾詩篇] 王安琪教授2015 《愛麗絲幻遊奇境與鏡中奇緣》中的抄襲、改寫與錯誤

Fury said to a mouse,
That he met in the house,
"Let us both go to law:
I will prosecute YOU. ─ [YOU應為小寫斜體]

Come, I will take no denial;
We must have a trial:
For really this morning
I've nothing to do."

Said the mouse to the cur,
"Such a trial, dear Sir,
With no jury or judge,
Would be wasting our breath." [would應為小寫]

"I'll be judge, I'll be jury,"
Said cunning old Fury: [Said原文為小寫]
"I'll try the whole cause,
And condemn you to death." [and 應為小寫]

這是書中比較嚴重的錯誤。原詩已經紐約兩個中學生在1989年發現採用 "尾巴韻" (tail rhyme) 格律也即每節最後一行長度不同,而且不和同節前面的2行押韻,而是和另一節的最後一行押韻 (詳《挖開兔子洞》第81頁、Martin Gardner 1999 35),王教授把本詩改成傳統的每節4行,而且大小寫也和原文不同,看來雖然參考了Martin Gardner和我的著作,顯然還是不得要領。


'Fury said to a mouse,
That he met in the house,
"Let us both go to law: I will prosecute you

Come, I will take no denial;
We must have the trial:
For really this morning I've nothing to do."

Said the mouse to the cur,
"Such a trial, dear sir,
With no jury or judge, would be wasting our breath."

"I'll be judge, I'll be jury,"
said cunning old Fury: [原文的said小寫,Gardner 未作修改]
"I'll try the whole cause, and condemn you to death."'

2 則留言:

  1. 這是一個有趣的例子,在西元226年翻譯的《法句經》也有類似的例子,由於後代的抄本沒有標點符號或句讀標記,解釋者會把前一首的後兩句當作後一首的前兩句,造成「破碎」的形式。

  2. 我注意到 第一段最後兩字 prosecute you-
    第一段最後兩字 to do
     第三段、第四段的最後一字, breath, death 隔段押韻。
